public class MyConfig extends Config {

		name = "Sub Switch",
		category = "General"
	public static boolean subSwitch = false;

		name = "Sub Dropdown",
		category = "General"
	public static int subSwitch = 0;

		name = "Sub Dual Option",
		category = "General"
	public static int subDualOption = 0;

	public MyConfig() {
		super(new Mod("My Mod", ModType.UTIL_QOL), "config.json");
		addDependency("subSwitch", () -> {
			// Do stuff here

Open Source, Forever

We believe it is the right of the user and developer to know what code they are trusting to run behind the scenes.

public class MyConfig extends Config {

		name = "Sub Switch",
		category = "General"
	public static boolean subSwitch = false;

		name = "Sub Dropdown",
		category = "General"
	public static int subSwitch = 0;

		name = "Sub Dual Option",
		category = "General"
	public static int subDualOption = 0;

	public MyConfig() {
		super(new Mod("My Mod", ModType.UTIL_QOL), "config.json");
		addDependency("subSwitch", () -> {
			// Do stuff here

Our developers learned and built on open source for years. Many even made their own contributions on our projects before joining our team.

Open source lets us join forces with other developers in our community. This means new features and bug fixes come much faster, and way better.


There's no definite way to prevent anything from becoming malicious. But, open sourcing our code brings extra eyes to catch, and fix exploits before they’re abused.